A much-anticipated sequel to the popular heist movie franchise, which began with Ocean’s Eleven, is making headlines as it reportedly moves forward. Ocean’s Fourteen is set to feature several returning stars, including George Clooney and Brad Pitt, who are in talks to reprise their iconic roles as Danny Ocean and Rusty Ryan. Their characters originally appeared in the 2001 remake of the classic film and continued through two sequels, with Ocean’s Thirteen concluding the trilogy in 2007.
Deadline reports that Clooney and Pitt are now in talks to return as well as Edward Berger, known for his Oscar-winning work on All Quiet on the Western Front, being considered as the new director. Although no official offer has been made yet, Berger’s involvement would mark a significant shift from the previous films, which were directed by Steven Soderbergh.
With Clooney and Pitt in discussions to return for Ocean’s Fourteen, attention now turns to which other stars from the franchise might join them. Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, who recently appeared together in Apple TV+’s The Instigators, have stated they are unaware of any details about Ocean’s Fourteen. However, Speaking to Screen Rant Damon has shown interest in reuniting with the cast, provided “we can get the whole group together and get a good script.“
While Steven Soderbergh won’t be returning to direct this installment, Clooney’s made some comments last December about the completed script and hinted at a fresh take on the franchise. He compared the new script to the 1979 film Going in Style, suggesting a different flavor for this sequel.
The original Ocean’s Eleven, released in 1960, was reimagined in 2001 by Soderbergh, bringing together a star-studded cast that rejuvenated the franchise leading to two further sequels. This new film with a star-studded potential and the promise of a new direction make Ocean’s Fourteen an exciting prospect. With high hopes for it to be both a major box office hit and a standout heist film, the project faces the challenge of meeting the high standards set by its predecessors.
As of now, Ocean’s Fourteen does not have a release date. However, we will keep you informed about any new updates and developments regarding the project.
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